Mostly, I've chosen all my guests using the John Robbins standard. I ask myself, "Am I tingling with excitement to speak to this person?" And only if the answer is yes do I pursue it, or agree if they've pitched themselves to me.
Episode 520: Citizen Science and the Wisdom of Pain: Will Bulsiewicz, MD
I tell you all this to introduce this week's conversation. It's with Will Bulsiewicz, MD, gastroenterologist extraordinaire and author, most recently, of The Fiber Fueled Cookbook.
Dr B, as any physician named Bulsiewicz who wants people to remember their name would naturally want to be called, is one of my favorite guests partly because his information is vital, and original, and elegantly presented.
But that's only part of it.
The other part - the larger part, honestly - is Dr B's warm and kind and positive spirit.
He shares information both authoritatively and humbly. He invites inquiry rather than "owning" or "crushing" his detractors. He seeks knowledge, wherever that leads him.
I'm a better person after spending two hours with Dr B. I hope you'll feel the same when you join us.
If you're ready to stop struggling and self-sabotaging, and want to develop rock-solid habits for health, I'm opening my practice to accept two new clients, starting next week. Find out more and apply here:
To health and joy, Howie
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