
I'm Dr Howie Jacobson, and I help leaders and their teams achieve high performance through mindset mastery. 

My ambitious goal is to shift our business culture to one that supports a life-sustaining society, starting with the business itself and rippling out into the wider world.

I help leaders update their mental and emotional maps so they can provide Trigger-Free Leadership.

I help teams skillfully navigate "What are we up to?" conversations to foster clarity, accountability, and responsibility. When there are no "undiscussables," teams can really hum. 

My newest books, GlitchesTriggers, and Scars (coming January – June 2025), form the “Map Your World” trilogy. It explores how our inner maps of ourselves, other people, and the world determine our behaviors and destinies — and how we can liberate ourselves from outdated maps and respond flexibly, compassionately, and effectively to what's actually in front of us.

As a high performance coach, I've sat with clients through some of their most difficult moments in some of the most challenging environments, guiding them to do their best — and to lead and inspire others to do the same.

Bestselling author. World class coach and trainer. Inspiring speaker. (Humble autobiographer.)

Want to have a conversation? Click here to book time on my calendar.

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